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Explain common words used in Chatterino.

Anatomy of a Chatterino window


Term Description
Split Includes the chat, input field and a split header
Split Header Contains split title, moderation actions, viewer list, split menu button and add split button
Split Menu Settings or actions for the specific split
Tab Can contain multiple splits



Term Description
Moderation buttons Allow you to quickly delete messages, timeout users or execute custom commands. They can be configured in Settings > Moderation > Moderation buttons
Moderation mode button Toggles whether Moderation buttons are shown
Usercard Contains useful information about a user, action buttons as well as their recent messages. Can be opened by clicking someone's username in chat or by typing /usercard username
User Timeout Buttons Allow you time a user out from their Usercard. They can be configured in Settings > Moderation > User Timeout Buttons




Term Description
Reply Context Contains the message a user was replying to.
Reply Thread Contains the history of replies to a message that Chatterino has loaded
Reply Input The input box to send a reply. Available in both the normal Chatterino window, and the Reply Thread.